Friday, October 4, 2019

Egyptian Day

Blythe has been doing an Egyptian unit at school, and today was the culminating activity--Egyptian Day.  She had to do a project of her choice relating to Egypt thousands of years ago, and she chose to make a pyramid.  We used Rice Krispie Treats as they are easily moldable, cheap, and edible (to a certain degree) when the project is finished. 

Last weekend, we began making the pyramid.  I made Rice Krispies, and Blythe did molding.  It looked good.  The pyramids were whitewashed with limestone originally, and were topped with gold, so we frosted it white last night and had Justine Banks paint on edible gold paint to finish it off.  We ordered Blythe a snazzy Egyptian costume for her to wear, and today she went to school dressed like pharaoh ready to present her creation. 

Kent and I went to see all the projects and were impressed by the creativity of the kids.  They were good to answer questions and engage, and it was fun to see Blythe in her academic milieu.  She is enjoying sixth grade, and we are enjoying hearing about all the things she's learning. 

Funny things about her edible pyramid.  The unfrosted Rice Krispies were sitting out on the counter during the week that Brick, Cora, and Kal were with us.  Brick and Cora kept trying to sneak bits of the pyramid every time they walked past it.  I kept saying, "Stop eating Blythe's homework!"  Eventually we just put it up on top of a bookshelf so it wasn't so noticeably tempting.  When the pyramid came home and Egyptian Day was all finished, Cora came to me and said, "Grantie Kake, can I eat some of Blythe's homework?"  We cut it up and they choked it down.  Week old Rice Krispie is not soft.

Blythe bragged to her classmates about how all of her pyramid was edible, including the gold top, and everyone asked if they could have a bite.  At the end of the day, she broke off the top couple of layers and ate it herself.


"The gold is eatable."

Cutest Egyptian I've ever seen!

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