Thursday, October 10, 2019

Political Activism and Jane Austen

I can't remember if I've mentioned that I foolishly got myself involved with the political action committee looking to pass a school bond in November.  I agreed to serve on the committee thinking it would look good on a resume if I needed to get a job, not having had much official working experience since my graduate school days.  But it has been a huge time commitment that I haven't really loved, even though I do feel strongly that the bond is necessary and the rebuilding of schools would be beneficial.  So I've been doing my part which has been to organize the door-to-door campaign passing out flyers. Having identified those voting precincts that were strongly in favor of the bond last go round (five years ago), I have broken those areas down into small routes, printing out maps and dividing door hangers.  It's been a huge job.  Worse though is the fact that we haven't had enough volunteers willing to distribute those hangers.  We had hoped that we could get a small army of people to go door-to-door and actually talk to people, but we haven't had many willing takers.  In fact, we've had only a handful who have shown any interest at all. 

This weekend, we are having a push to just get them hung on doors, without even talking to people.  We've asked people to come and give an hour or an hour and a half, no need to knock, just rush by distributing.  As part of that effort, I printed off a little piece of paper with some background, giving my name and why I support the bond.  I have needed to staple these to the door hangers, but there are like 2,000 that need to be done, and that is overwhelming.  Mikayla suggested that she and Mom help me, that we could have a staple-fest and watch a movie while we do it.  So today we gathered at her house with lots of promotional materials, and stapled while we watched Love and Friendship, a movie based on a Jane Austen novel.  It was a funny movie, we got all the stapling done, and I was so grateful for the help.  I'll be delighted to see the conclusion of this HUGE project.

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