Tuesday, October 8, 2019

210 Pictures from Cornbelly's

For the record, I'm not including all 210 pictures in this post.  That's way too many.  But there won't be just a few, either.  Cora has two pre-schools that she attends, and today, Mrs. Stephanie's pre-school had a field trip to Cornbelly's.  I was able to take Cora and Kal and we had a marvelous good time.  The weather was perfect, there was so much to do at the venue, and the kids were so happy to be out running around.  And run around they did.  

We got a late start, not because we were late, but because I took us to the wrong spot.  For some reason, I had it in my head that we were going to Hee Haw Farms, so we drove there and waited and waited and waited and waited, but no one showed up.  I couldn't believe how late everyone else was.  Eventually I called Mikayla and she reminded me that it was at Cornbelly's, not Hee Haw Farms.  

Fortunately, we were able to stay until 3:00pm, we had plenty of time, and we did everything there was to do.  There were slides, there was a corn pit, we had rubber ducky races, Cora climbed through a rat maze, we did swings, there were trackers big and small, balls to throw at crows, equipment to climb on, a corn maze we sort of got lost in, and a giant jumping mat to bounce on.  Because Mikayla was missing it all, I just kept taking pictures--lots and lots of pictures.  Apart from the worry of losing one or the other of the kids as they ran off in opposite directions, and getting Cora to tell me when she needed to go potty (she's doing so well!), we had a marvelous good time.  In fact, it was such a good time they both fell asleep in the car on the way home, exhausted from all the fun. 

These first three pictures were taken outside Hee Haw Farms as we waited and waited.

This picture of me taken by Cora.

Another Cora picture

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