Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Water Fight!

Brick and Cora were over today.  They, with Brandt, wanted to play with some water balloons, so I agreed that they would fill up a bundle or two and throw them at each other.  I helped fill a bit, then Brick asked if I would have a water fight with them.  Who could resist that kind of invitation?  Not I!  Brandt had spray guns he borrowed from Jarom Oyler, he filled the wheelbarrow with water and balloons, then had another bucket of water balloons across the yard, and we were set to fight.  I had to steal a gun to defend myself and Brick, my balloon hurling wasn't terribly accurate, and I was quickly left to fight Brandt myself when Brick began to get wetter than he wanted to be.  Cora stood aside, out of the line of fire, and in the end, we all were soaking wet.  Marvelous good fun for a summer morning.

Cora got a bit wet, ran away, went inside, stripped nearly naked, 
then stayed completely away.
So you see how Brandt has four guns?
I stole one for myself and one for Brick, as he was trying to engage with a much smaller gun.
See that small gun?  
He definitely needed something with a big more oomph.

You can't really tell, but my shirt is soaked and sticking to my skin.
Felt good, though.

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