Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Blythe Turns Eleven

Today is Blythe's birthday, but she is away.  We miss her!  To celebrate, we sent up a little package with a bubble machine and bubbles, some AirHeads for her and her tentmates, some glow sticks, and a candybar poster.  That's not much, but she won't have room to get stuff home, and what eleven year old doesn't like candy?  Here's what we sent her.

Blythe is a beautiful person.  She lives up to her name--she's happy and cheerful, bright and sunny.  She has a song in her heart that often bubbles over out of her mouth as she hums and sings to herself.  She's getting more and more responsible, is aware of others, and reads ALL. THE. TIME.  If I want to punish her, I tell her she can't read.  She is growing taller by the minute, has large feet, and long hair, and wants to be as tall as I am.  She's creative and writes every day, and she hopes her glasses will get lost permanently so she can get contacts.  She loves to be with her friends, to watch TV, and to play with Legos.  We love our girl and are blessed to have her with us.

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