Sunday, October 15, 2017

Primary Program

Today was the annual Primary Program in sacrament meeting.  I love this week of church.  The children's testimonies, shared through their parts and singing, are sweet and moving.  I was especially touched knowing that this was Brandt's last Primary program.  This time next year, he'll be passing the sacrament.  Both children did a great job on their parts, and seemed to sing well.  I'm never sure if Brandt is actually singing.  Sometimes I fairly confident he's just mouthing along with the music and not actually vocalizing at all.  Even if they weren't singing, they seemed to be.  Blythe did have a few moments where she was not sitting in her seat but was seemingly down crawling around between the rows of chairs, but she was sitting right next to Sister Baraketse, her teacher, so maybe something else was going on.   Grandma Sue came to watch and then dashed out because she had two other programs to go see today, too.  

When Sunday School was over, Kay Stice came up to me and told me what a nice boy Brandt seemed to be.  He said he exudes a kind spirit and it's obvious that he's a fine boy.  He quickly followed that up with his assurances that Blythe was also a fine girl, but it was particularly obvious with Brandt.  I agreed with him.  

After priesthood meeting, Kay essentially shared with same sentiments about Brandt with Kent, again emphasizing what a nice boy he was.  As they were talking, Blythe came into the priesthood room and upon approaching Kent said, holding up a pen, "Would you like to be impaled?"  And there we have a wonderful example of the difference between our two children.

That's Brandt up there at the microphone.

And Blythe, too.

Here is a copy of the program handed out today.
All the children in the Primary are pictured.
Before I could get it scanned to I could include it here,
Blythe drew on it in Sharpie.
She's completely covered over herself.
I'm fairly disappointed by that, but there's little I can do about it.
I agree with the scribbled out statement that "Blythe Barrus is cute,"
and I wish you could see her cute face.

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