Friday, June 19, 2015

Swimming Lessons

We changed up swimming lessons this year.  For the past several years, I have had the kids in swimming lessons at the Provo Rec Center, and we've done them practically the whole summer.  Because we swim so much and the kids are in the water all the time, I have felt that lessons this way were not super effective.  My kids spent a lot of time bobbing up and down by the side of the pool as they waited for their turn amongst the five other kids in the class.  I wanted a bit more individual attention in the hopes that they could make some really good progress in a short period of time.  So when my good friend and neighbor's son-in-law sent around an email saying he would be teaching swimming at her pool, I signed the kids up.  It was a lot of money, but it was just my two kids during the half hour time, and I felt it was money well spent.

Zach was a good teacher and worked the kids hard.  They swam laps, tweaking their arm and leg movements as they went back and forth.  They were pooped by the end of each the half hour, but I really felt that their front and back crawls improved dramatically.  Now I just need to make sure that we keep practicing when we are at Grandma Sue's pool.



Blythe is practicing breathe stroke leg motions.
With her bum in the air.


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