Sunday, February 1, 2015

Young Women and the Ideal Man

Today in young women, the lesson was about chastity.  One of the laurels taught, which was something.  She did a fine job, considering the sensitive nature of the subject matter.  At the beginning of class, she handed everyone a piece of paper, and then asked us to write down character traits we want our future husband to have.

Now, I already have a husband, so what I'm "hoping" for doesn't really apply.  Instead, I wrote down all the things I like about Kent that make him the husband for me.  And obviously he is the husband for me because he's the husband I've got.

At the top of the list I wrote:
Looks good in cowboy boots
Will take me to the opera

When I was a young single adult, post high school but pre-mission, this was what I was looking for.  An opera going wearer of cowboy boots.  I didn't really want my man to be a cowboy, but there was something about cowboy boots I liked.  Turns out, Kent had a pair of cowboy boots as a boy and he really liked them, but he hasn't owned a pair as an adult, so that had to be scratched off.  We have been to the opera several times, but anymore, opera isn't super high on the list of things I like about him.  Instead, here is the list of things I like about Kent, though not necessarily in order of priority.  Just really great things about Kent.

Kind to others
Patient, with me and the children
Faithful, to me and to his temple covenants
Calls me to repentance (which I don't like it when he does this, I appreciate that he wants me to be the best me I can be, and sometimes that requires real change on my part).
Reads a lot
Shares interesting things with me
Good with money
Great parent (the better parent in our home)
Reads scriptures, says prayers, has family home evening, and regularly attends the temple
Likes his family
Likes my family
Thinks I'm beautiful
Eats anything I put on the table
Helps around the house
Hard worker
Fulfills his callings
Likes the same things I do--art and humanities

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