Friday, February 13, 2015

Field Trip Friday #22--An Act of Service, for Valentine's Day

Field trip Friday is all about fun, but today, because it is the day before Valentine's Day, I wanted to do something service oriented with the kids, just so we could get out of ourselves a bit.  I'm trying to teach Brandt and Blythe the joy that comes from doing nice things for other people, and the only way to do this effectively, is to do nice things for other people.  I have little problem coming up with things I can do to help others, but it is a bit trickier with the kids.  

Tonight the stake is sponsoring a sweetheart ball at the stake center, and a member of our ward, Kimberly Roy, was asked to be in charge of the refreshments.  She put out an email asking for help from anyone who was available today, and we could just drop by whenever.  I emailed and asked if there was anything we could do.  She said there was, so after school and a brief snack, we went up to the stake center to render service.  

Kimberly had reserved a task for us that was just the right speed for the kids.  We got to take grapes off the stems.  Not difficult, easy to see progress, tasty (as several grapes ended up in mouths, not in the bowl), and fun once they got going and quit complaining.  Brandt diligently beavered away at the grapes, and Blythe helped Kimberly put out cuts and water dispensers.  It didn't take long, but we did service.

Upon our return, I made red velvet puppy chow, which somehow looked really delicious on Pinterest when I was looking for a Valentine's treat I could make for us, but which turned out to be a bit of a disappointment.  It got eaten anyway.  The children immediately took their Valentine's boxes across the street to the Olyer's house for Candy Club, which involves eating all your Valentine's candy and spoiling your dinner.  What fun!  And who needs anything nutritious to eat anyway?  It's a holiday!  After dinner (that was only eaten by half the family members), we made valentines to take to a cousins party tomorrow.  I totally cheated and got the valentine ideas off Pinterest.  So easy to print off, cut out, and call it good.  I'm grateful for clever people who are willing to share their good ideas.

The valentines say "Some people are worth melting for" with an Otter Pop, 
and "Valentine, you are just write."

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