Thursday, February 26, 2015

Potty Mouth

Tonight, as I had finished reading to Brandt and was tucking him in, I sort of kicked his shin. It wasn't hard, but he exclaimed, "Ouch! You kicked my shin. What's my shin?" I thought the follow-up question was pretty funny.

I ran my hand down his shin to show him where it was. It was where he thought.  Being a bit funny myself, I asked, "What other part of your body rhymes with shin?"

He thought, but couldn't come up with anything until I gave him little kisses on his chin.  He giggled.  Then he said, "What rhymes with wee?  Pee!  What rhymes with toot?  Boot!  What rhymes with fart?  Tart!  What rhymes with poo?  Shoe!"  Much giggling in between.  He thought he was absolutely hilarious.  Not super conducive to preparing for sleep.

So I said, "You need to be calm.  What rhymes with calm?  Balm."

"Bomb," he said immediately.  "Like a giant poop?"  And much more giggling.

It took some time for my potty-mouthed son to fall asleep.

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