Monday, September 29, 2014

Studio C Premiere

Brandt loves, loves, loves, loves, loves Studio C, a sketch comedy show on BYUTV.  He quotes it all the time, tells me when something reminds him about it, and asks questions about things he has seen on Studio C at random times that tells me he is thinking about it often.  Here is an example.  A couple of weeks ago when we were all in the car together, out of the blue Brandt said, "Do gasoline and water mix?"  We explained that they don't because of the differences in density, and he followed that up with, "Then water can't burn, can it."  Neither Kent nor I really understood what he was getting at, but we said, no, water doesn't burn.  Then he said, "So on The Five Day Forecast, the flire isn't really possible."  The Five Day Forecast is a super funny sketch, and I've blogged about that before, but we did explain to him that it was possible for gasoline to burn on the surface of water so that it looked like the water was burning, even when it wasn't.  Again, all this discussion out of the blue.  He was just thinking about Studio C.

Today, Mikayla texted me that there was going to be a screening of the season five first episode at Kiwanis Park tonight, with a food truck rally and free stuff giveaways.  Knowing how much our boy loves Studio C, we agreed that it would be a super fun Family Home Evening activity.  So we, along with 10,000 of our closest friends, pulled up our camp chairs, snuggled under a blanket, and watch Studio C.  Yeah!  Blythe kept insisting she get a turn to say hit to Jeremy (she wanted to see his mustache up close), but she has to settle for taking a picture from way far away.

The four of us.

There they are.  
The Studio C cast.
They are far away and blurry.

There was a really huge crowd there to watch.

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