Monday, September 15, 2014

Lunch Notes

The summer before Brandt went to first grade, I read an article about helping your child read better.  One of the suggestions was to put a note in their lunch box if they took their lunch to school.  Brandt didn't want to buy lunch, so I have faithfully put a small note in his lunch every day since.  I have included silly poems or notes of encouragement, or short and often very silly notes utilizing all his spelling words.  On the day or two that I was too harried in the morning and forgot to put in a note, I heard about it after school.

Now that Blythe is in first grade and taking her lunch to school, I have been putting a note in her lunch as well.  After probably day three, she said to me, with grave seriousness in her voice, "Mom, make sure today's note is funny!"  I suddenly felt under tremendous pressure to make the note something of substance, something worthy of a read at lunch.  I actually thought I was doing that already, but leave it to Blythe to find some inadequacy in what I'm doing at a parent [insert groan from me].  So I thought really hard and included the following in her lunch.  Although I wrote this the first week of school, four weeks ago, I found it in the bottom on her backpack, saved.

Dear Blythe,
Roses are red,
Sometimes they're pink.
When you go to the bathroom
You make a stink.
Is that funny enough for you?  This is a poem about poop, even though it doesn't say the word.
I love you, Mom

Apparently, it was a success.  Miss Medaris, Blythe's teacher, sent me a text calling me "the funniest mom," and told me Blythe laughed out loud when she read it to her.  Blythe is at that age when all things bathroom related are hilarious, so I just played to her interest and utilized my excellent rhyming skills.  The unfortunate thing is this: as I wrote this the first week of school, I might have peaked a bit early in the game.

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