Friday, September 12, 2014

Field Trip Friday #4--Dragons

Field trip Friday today was to go see How to Train Your Dragon 2.  It came out in June, when we were in Indiana, and I have been meaning to take the kids to see it all summer, but haven't.  The time for it to be in the theater is drawing to a close, but they happened to have a showing at 1:20 today.  School ends at 1:30, but there are always lots of trailers, so I figured we would arrive at just the right moment for the actual movie to begin.

We did.  We all liked the movie.  There are very funny parts, and very sad parts.  Hiccup's dad dies saving Hiccup's life, and I will freely admit that I cried.  Blythe did too, but she wouldn't admit it.  She turned to me and said, as tears were streaming down my face, "Mom, my eyes are watering."  Both Brandt and Blythe were glad we saw it and told Kent all about it in great detail.

Kent and I had a date tonight.  We went to see the 1928 movie Ramona, the film version of a love story by Helen Hunt Jackson about a Scots-Native American woman Ramona and Alessandro, the Native American man she falls in love with.  The movie was shown as part of the BYU motion picture archive film series.  It was a silent movie that for many years was thought to have been lost to decomposition.  But a copy was found in a foreign archive in 2010 and was recently restored by the Library of Congress.  It was largely filmed in Zion National Park and this was the Utah screening premier.  There was live organ accompaniment which was absolutely fantastic.  As with most silent films, the characters were very expressive, with big eyes, dramatic makeup, and somewhat over the top body language, but it was a fun experience.  The story of the movie is very sad, and the setting added an extra layer of feeling.  We enjoyed it and will attend several other movies before Christmas.

Ramona, Senora Morena her guardian (with dramatic eye makeup), and Alessandro
Senora Morena was the most over the top character, but she was wonderful.

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