Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Time Out

I gave myself a time out tonight.  I was in the midst of making dinner, Brandt was being difficult about his homework (yeah, I know, he's been back at school exactly seven days), and I found myself dangerously close to losing it.  So I locked myself in the laundry room.  No way was I doing anything affiliated with the laundry room, but it has a lock on the door and was close enough to the kitchen that I could hear the timer go off for the cornbread that was in the oven.  I took in the murder mystery I am currently reading, worked through several pages, and after that I felt much better.

It was one of the smarter mom things I have done recently.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, and I assume you were lucky and no one shredded their homework or re-decorated using markers while you were in time-out. (That's my usual reward)
