Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mud Pies and Play

August 1st was a hot afternoon and although I intended on taking the children to swim, they were much more interested in doing a bit of baking.  To be more precise, they wanted to make mud pies.  In July, one of BYU forum addresses was about recreation and both Kent and my mom told me how great it was.  The text is not yet available and I haven't made time to listen to it, but Kent said the speaker, Patti Freeman, stressed the importance of play just for the sake of play.  I'm trying to be better at letting the children do their thing, even if their thing creates a huge mess, and so I let them do their baking on the porch and front walk.  They had a marvelous and messy time.  Looking at these pictures, I realize I should have joined them.  I love the feel of mud squishing between my toes.

The aftermath on the porch.

1 comment:

  1. There is so much attitude behind the second picture of Blythe is her pose I love it! Your kids are awesome, you should have join them.
