Friday, July 1, 2011

Morning Excitement

This morning, I got an early call from my friend Suzan who lives just around the corner.  She said, "There is a balloon right over my house.  Bring your kids out to see."

We threw on clothes and raced outside to see a pig hot air balloon right above the houses in our neighborhood.  Brandt said, "It's Evil Dr. Porkchop!"
The pig balloon looked just like him.  We were worried he was going to drop a barrel of monkeys on us.

Can you get over how low this balloon is right--over the house?
Where did he think he was going to land?

Brandt wanted us to follow the balloon, quickly, even though we all three were barefooted.
Or, as Blythe said, "Mom, we all have naked feets."

As if Evil Dr. Porkchop wasn't enough, irrigation water was running down the gutter, and with our naked feets, we couldn't resist tromping around a bit.  Well, a lot.  We were out in the water quite a while.  The kids floated twigs and dandelions, jumped and splashed. 

The children are shaking their bums at me, rather than turning around so I can take their picture.
Blythe needs a diaper change. 
And to be dressed.

They did, eventually, after much cajoling, turn around.

Blythe made me an offer of two sticks and said, 
"Mom, you can hold these for me."
How kind.
Following Blythe's example, Brandt offered to let me hold his, too.

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