Friday, July 22, 2011

A Mini Vacation

On Monday evening we left for a mini vacation.  Mini because we didn't go far, and mini because we didn't go long.  The children have been desperate for us to go somewhere in a motor home, so we rented one and spent two days in Midway at Wasatch Mountain State Park.

To say the children were excited is a major understatement.  For the three days we had the motor home, they were up and down, on and off, pushing every button and flipping every switch.  I was worried they were going to break lots of things and we were going to have to pay for parts.  Fortunately, we returned the motor home in one piece.

Brandt was especially keen about all things motor home related.   When we picked it up, we were given some instruction.  The woman renting it to us said, "Who am I going to show how to drive first?"
"Me!" Brandt said immediately.
He sat in the passenger seat, was my co-pilot, looked both ways, and talked on the CB radio.  He has been so pleased, every time we prayed he thanked Heavenly Father we had a motor home.

Our trip was fun.  Midway is not far, but we did entertaining things.  Our neighbors, Jack and Simon Tanner, were interested in the motor home and when they came over to see it, they had much the same reaction as Brandt and Blythe.  They ran up and down the narrow hallway saying, "This has a bed! This has a shower! This has a toilet! There is a kitchen!"  Simon asked how many beds there were, and when he realized that six people could sleep inside, he said, "Can we come too?"  So we had them drive with us up the canyon and Heidi and Darren came along after us and met us for dinner.  Heidi said, "You can't go anywhere without the Tanners," but the boys were so excited I wanted to include them.

We drove over the mountain to Park City.  It was beautiful.  We went to ride the trolley up and down Main Street, and to have an ice cream at a cow store.  We went on a lovely little hike in the cool of the evening.  And we went swimming at the Homestead and to see the inside of the crater.  We apparently wore the children out because they both fell asleep on the way home.

Although it was a good time, I think that we won't do the motor home thing again.  I found the space a bit tight, especially when Brandt and Blythe are at each other.

Blythe drew a porcupine on the dashboard.  
Oh joy!
Fortunately I had packed cleaner and it came right off.

Brandt really, really, really, really wanted to drive this thing.
Kent didn't however.  He let me drive both ways.

We drove up over Empire Pass .  This is Park City in the distance.
And Midway below.  
My new birthday camera has a panorama function. 
I like it!

The actual Park City trolley was in maintenance, so we rode a little bus.
Brandt suggested that we go to the shop and fix the trolley so we could ride it.

The ice cream store cow.

These are all the cushions in the motor home lined up from end to end.
It was a bridge.

I wanted a picture of Brandt and his water bottle.
It is tucked into his shorts.
He told me it was cold.

Swimming at the Homestead.
We ran out of sunscreen, so we swam indoors.
The children didn't mind.

I thought this picture was in focus.
Insert bad word here that it wasn't.

This is inside the crater where people were doing scuba.
You would never know that, but the light sure is cool.

As we were hiking, Brandt kept walking away from the rest of us.
When I asked if he would wait, he said, "No, I am forging on ahead."

We parked next to this lovely but very noisy stream.
It sounded like it was pouring rain all through the night.

Brandt "helped" Kent with all the technical function of the motor home.

Both children fell asleep on the way home.
They must have had a good time.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Homestead pool, it's one of my favorite places to be.
