Friday, September 17, 2010

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

Last week (B week) we were going to ride the bus.  Then it didn't happen.  Lots of other things happened, but the bus didn't.  So I told the children we could ride this week.  On Monday we tried to ride.  We left a bit too late, and even though we ran to the bus stop, we had missed it.  Brandt ran into the middle of a very busy street on the south side of our complex and very nearly gave me a heart attack.  Fortunately there was only one car that came along, and Brandt had made it across the street before being hit, but I have had a nightmare about it every night since wherein I dream that Brandt is hit.  I wake with a fearful start and wish we hadn't tried to catch the bus at all.

However!  We did ride the bus on Wednesday.  Tuesday Brandt wanted to go but we had other things going on, so I said, "We can ride the bus tomorrow."  Wednesday as we biked to the library (it was another lovely day and we went to play in the park after story time) Brandt asked, "Katherine," (he is still not calling me Mom) "is it tomorrow?"
I replied, "It is tomorrow from yesterday.  Why?"
"Can we ride the bus then?" he asked.

We could, and did.  We left the house in plenty of time to avoid a rush, any racing ahead that could lead to disaster, and to insure that we caught the bus.  In fact, we had so much time we waited too long.  After we had been there about six minutes and Brandt had looked up the street 28 1/2 times, he said, "I'm bored."
Here is proof.  Blythe too.

But the bus did eventually come, Brandt flagged it down, and we rode.  Thing was, we didn't go very far.  We  certainly waited at the bus stop and at the turn around point longer than we were actually moving.  One of the terminal points on our line is at the mall about seven minutes away.  So we rode seven minutes, waited 17 minutes for the return trip to begin, then rode another seven minutes back to our stop.  It didn't matter, however.  Brandt and Blythe both thought the bus was fantastic.  In fact, on Thursday, Blythe woke from her nap and said, "We ride bus?"  I think next week we'll ride the bus the opposite way for a longer ride.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Blythe had her purse with her. My kids all LOVE the train / bus and Trax. We've taken Front Runner down to SLC a few times and then the bus to Trax for an adventure at Temple square or the Gateway.
