Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Lovely Week, somewhat focused on B

It has been a gloriously beautiful autumn week.  Every day has been sunny and warm and we have been out and about reveling in the last days of summer-ish weather.  On Wednesday we biked to the library for story time.  I got the bike in a bit of a jam and fell over giving myself a rather largish bruise on my thigh (for B week!), but the children love to be in the bike trailer moving along at a fast-ish clip.

On Thursday we did a B project, decorating wooden Bs with paint and buttons.  Brandt's B is green--paint and buttons alike--his favorite color.  Blythe's is pink with lots of different buttons.  They love to paint.

On Friday morning, with nothing much on the agenda but with a couple of errands to run, I decided we would "walk" our errands.  I put the children in the stroller and we set off for what ended up being a two and a half hour walk.  It was so beautiful and the children were so good.  They even walked for a bit along the river trail.  
Brandt and Blythe on a bridge.  How's that for Bs?

One of our stops along the walk was at the grocery store.
We needed B foods for our B dinner.
We bought Kix as well, although neither Kix nor cereal start with B.
They were on sale.
Blythe wanted to carry a box, and as a result, so did Brandt.

On Saturday afternoon we took the children to a play.  We went to see Taming of the Shrew, but adapted for young audiences.  It was a circus themed production and absolutely delightful.  Brandt loved it.  He was completely focused on the stage, and when there was a short break to have some children from the audience return and ask a few more up, Brandt said, "Is there more?"  There will be several other productions this year that we will attend.  

Brandt is conducting the pre-production music.

Our B week activity was to go on a boat ride with Paul, a friend of Kent's.  Kent did Paul a favor a while ago and he offered to take us out on the boat, so I encouraged Kent to call him this week and arrange something.  Paul stays on the boat on the weekends, so we went Saturday afternoon for a ride.  It was great.  Brandt climbed aboard, went below and saw the tiny kitchen, asked where Paul slept, and then announced, five minutes later, that he knew "all about boats."  He is a quick study.  Brandt asked lots of questions about everything, hung too far over the side and made me and Kent very nervous, and tried to open anything that looked like it could be opened.  Blythe followed right after Brandt, also hung too far over the side, and ate lots of animal crackers.  The weather was perfect, warm and sunny, the lake was calm, and Paul drove fast which Brandt really, really liked.  The boating was a wonderful B activity.

While we waited for Paul, the children threw rocks in the lake.
Hanging out of the boat.  
What could possibly be so interesting?

A beautiful girl with a handsome dad.

Brandt had perma-grin the whole boat ride.

Speeding along in the boat.

And now, at the end of the week, we had our B dinner.  Without seeming to brag, may I just say, it was awfully tasty!  There are lots of B foods I could have cooked, including broccoli, bacon, beans, and bell peppers (all of which the children like), and beets (which they don't), but here is what I made.

Beef (steak) with basil sauce (yum!)
Berry salad.
Butternut squash with brown sugar and butter.
Bread (fresh, warm, homemade).
And then we had brownies for dessert.
The baking part of B week didn't go so well--
both the bread and brownies were doughy in the middle.
Oh well, you can't win them all.

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