Monday, December 20, 2021

Lights and Bites

It’s Christmastime which means home, streets, and businesses are brightly lit, and wandering around looking at them is a thing. We met up with DeMartinis this evening at Riverwoods, to bask in the glow of lights and see advertised ice sculptures. Santa was going to be there, too. It wasn’t terribly cold, the lights were beautiful, and the company was entertaining. Brick, Rowen, and Collin jumped around on park benches, fountains, and decorative rocks, doing parkour. The babies ran around and the adults talked and laughed amidst the craziness.


We all felt we needed a treat. Last year we went to Waffle Love after seeing the lights, and it turns out that Waffle Love is now in the Riverwoods. So convenient. Or not. We went in and saw that there was one person working there. The place was already packed with people and Tysen heard someone complain they had been waiting over 30 minutes to get their waffles. Thinking about what was in my fridge (having shopped on Friday), I suggested we all adjourn to our house and have waffles there. I had berries, peaches, whipped cream, cookie butter, and Nutella. What more could anyone want? Mikayla stopped by her house to get some additional waffle makers, and Eugene and Sharae stopped at Day’s for hot chocolate. I whipped up batter and baked, everyone visited, the children ran around wildly, and again, the adults talked and laughed amidst the craziness. We had waffles well before we would have had them at Waffle Love, and have decided that next year, we’ll plan on having everyone come and will prepare in advance so it will be even a shorter wait.

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