Thursday, May 13, 2021

Work Excitement

I worked in Lehi today. It was relatively slow, but there was enough work that I wasn’t falling asleep at the teller line. Shortly after 4:00pm, a banker came out of an office across the bank and said, “Does anyone else smell gas?” I had smelled something strange in the air, but it didn’t smell like natural gas to me. It was weird, but not alarming. However, it was alarming to others, and there was somewhat frantic scurrying around and phone call making. The branch manager was gone, so the assistant manager was calling her, the regional office, and then the fire department. I was helping a client with a very large withdrawal ($10,000) and couldn’t stop in the middle and tell him he had to leave. But as soon as I finished with him, everyone evacuated the building and stood at the edge of the parking lot, waiting for the fire department.


A firetruck, ambulance, and the fire chief all arrived, and four brave firefighters entered the bank, carbon monoxide detectors in hand. They emerged some minutes later and reported there was no leak and all was safe. After being outside for about 15 minutes, we re-entered the still strange-smelling bank and finished up the day. It all made for an exciting break in an otherwise routine and slow day.

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