Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving, or Gratitude Day 8

This year's Thanksgiving celebrations were much calmer than last's. Nothing burned, no one was left homeless, no one called with a tragedy. I was grateful. 

We gathered with the DeMartinis at Christopher and Tysen's house for a delicious meal and game playing. Eugene and Sharae's family has had Covid, and while most of them are over it, Sharae is still under the weather, so they stayed home. Eugene came and gathered foodstuffs, then went home bearing a feast, just in smaller portions and to be eaten without company. We are glad they are all on the mend.

After eating, we played Telestrations. Brandt, Crew, and Griffin played, and while I love them all, they aren't super great at drawing. Many drawings were misinterpreted, and many guesses were not even close. At one point in time, I was laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants. I had to stand crossed-legged while I laughed, then make a dash for the bathroom before my bladder exploded. It was a very funny game. 

On this eighth day of giving thanks and expressing gratitude, I will list the first ten things each person in the family says they are grateful for.

Blythe: friends, family, music, writing, Wattpad, good books to read, home, food and water, comfy hoodies, the Cutler's swing set

Brandt: family, school, Dad working (somewhat), house, clothes, warm bed, books, electricity, water, toilet, tech crew, swimming, games (card, board, and video) "I could go on, if you'd like," Brandt said. "I've got lots to be grateful for." Truth.

Kent: health and strength, friends and neighbors, family, good plumbing, warm house, blessings galore, work to do

Katherine: color, sounds, working in the yard, being with people, food glorious food, bike, playing games, animals in all their varieties, good books to read, good television to watch, being a wife, Mom, and Grantie Kake

And just to add a bit of levity to this post (has it been at all serious?), I thought to include a text chain about what to have for dinner. I love it when someone, especially me, can get Christopher.


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