Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gratitude Day 4

It's the Sabbath. I've so much to be grateful for as pertains to the gospel. Jesus Christ, son of God, bled and died for me, atoning for my sins and providing a way to return home to Heavenly Father. Nothing can compare to his love. I am grateful I have Him as my advocate before the Father.

Jesus Christ was resurrected, and because of his resurrection, I will be resurrected too, and will see those I love so much who have died before me. What a joyous reunion that will be! And Christ will come again to rule and reign in righteousness upon the earth. It is obvious from the wickedness in the world that we live in the latter days. I eagerly await Christ's return and lasting peace on Earth.

I am grateful for the temple, especially this temple that is only two minutes from my house. This year, I have so badly missed being able to be in the temple each week, to feel the peace and spiritual strength that accompanies each visit. I long to return and eagerly anticipate the reopening of temples to all patrons. 

I am grateful for the Lord's chosen prophet on the Earth today, Russell M. Nelson. He is truly extraordinary. I am always encouraged by his words and know he is a man who I can look to in all things, knowing he will not lead me/us astray. He is a man of integrity and spiritual strength, and I feel his love for all members of the Church. I feel the same about all the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. I wish we had similar sorts of men and women in government. 

I am grateful to be able to do home-centered, gospel supported Church each week, and to be able to partake of the sacrament in our home because Kent is worthy of the priesthood he holds. I feel God's love and forgiveness as I partake of the emblems of Christ's death, and am sincerely grateful I can be reminded each week of the need to improve my efforts and strengthen my faith.

It is good to be reminded of all that is positive in my life and the blessings that the gospel brings. I know I am better off with God in my life than I ever would be without him.

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