Monday, October 29, 2018

DeMartini Family Halloween Party

On the 29th Day of Halloween we gathered with the DeMartinis for a Halloween party.  We all met at our house which is overly decorated and just right for a party held this month.  We had dinner--pizza for the children and chicken pot pie for the adults.  We adults were so happy not to have pizza, and the children were so happy they got to have it. 

We played a rhyming game where you had to find and identify two rhyming items sitting together--hook on a book, sock on a clock, candle on the handle, bug on the rug.  There were 21 official rhymes, but Guy and the big boys came up with several of their own--Crew by the brew (Crew standing next to the steaming pot of cider), Brandt by an ant (plastic bugs), Luke by the puke (guacamole with black chips the boys thought looked gross), Blake by cake (which I had made).  We did donuts on a string, and then Collin wanted a punch board.  Mikayla and I bought a board, cut holes in it, put prizes in tissue paper covered cups behind the holes, and then let everyone have a turn punching a hole and getting the "treat" behind the paper.  Collin was very pleased. 

Mikayla took pictures of everyone in their costumes and all the kids together.  Blythe is going as Pippi Longstocking and wanted to do her whole hair, a whole process I was unwilling to help with, so she wasn't costume complete.  And Brandt has been planning to go trick-or-treating as a middle-schooler-who-is-largely-over-Halloween -but-still-wants-candy, so he didn't really have a costume, per se. 

Otherwise, many people ran around sort of shrieking and getting cake and donut all over the floor.  Cora, dressed as Princess Peach, ran around and around carrying a donut on a plate, waving it wildly about.  We all thought it would for sure fall on the ground, but the frosting held it firmly affixed, making it look like a stage prop, not a real donut.  She probably ran around six or seven times before it did fall off, but she stopped mid stride, picked it up, stuck it back on the plate, and took off again.  We do enjoy being with family on occasions such as this.

 Cousins eating

This is the cake I wanted to make,

and what mine actually looked like.  
My colors weren't as vivid, the batter not as separated,
but the cake certainly looked scary,
so I guess it was a win!

Mikayla's picture makes it look better.
 I made ice cream brain, too.

Cora and Kal were loving the picture taking.
I think next year, we need to take a picture of all the adults looking much like the children; 
some behaving, some not.

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