Friday, March 30, 2018

Iditarod Party

Blythe and Lily Bradford

Today was the culminating event of the Iditarod unit that Blythe has been doing in school.  Mrs. Harrington loves the Iditarod, so her class does all sorts of fun things while The Last Great Race is going on.  Each student is assigned a musher that they follow as they race.  They read stories about the race and watched videos and learned a super irritating song that sticks with you long after the unit is over, the chorus of which says, "I did, I did, I did the Iditarod trail."  So fun!  

Today was the Iditarod party.  The students went after school for a party in their classroom.  They could wear their pajamas and bring blankets, and then they partied.  Here is Blythe's report.
When we went in, we got to play in the halls.  We could either slide on the floor or we could get on a blanket and have someone pull us around the halls.  Then we ate pizza and got juice and chips.  When we were done eating we got to go back out and play a little bit.  Then we went back in our classroom, got cozy, and watched Snow Buddies.  The movie is about six golden retrievers who went into an ice cream truck and then got accidentally shipped to the Iditarod.  We got to eat gorp while we watched the movie.
There you have it.  A super fun evening with school friends, miles from Alaska, celebrating the adventuring spirit of people and their dogs.

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