Brandt has been doing a Medieval unit at school, learning about knights and ladies, warfare, societal hierarchies, and foodstuffs. This past month he has been working to make a catapult, as well as complete a project of his choice. He opted to make a sword and shield, a popular choice, I discovered.
For his sword, I saw on Pinterest someone who used a long paint stick, some large popsicle sticks, and electrical tape, plus some shiny silver spray paint to make a passable, non-threatening weapon that would be easy to put together. Brandt loved it. I loved the simplicity of the thing, and so we made it.
The shield was a bit more complicated, but not much. Our very kind neighbor Jeff Niven has a band saw, and he helped Brandt cut out the thin board to a shield shape, curve it, then sand down the edges so nothing would be rough. Uncle Lee attached arm and hand bands, and then I had him paint. We used red and black spray paint, and he did a fine job. We painted a red cross, then taped it off and painted the rest black. Brandt was
very pleased with the way it turned out. Catapult assembly went quite well, too. I bought a kit on Amazon, and over several days, Brandt glued parts together.

Today was the culminating event of the unit, the Medieval Feast! Brandt has been talking about it for weeks and has been so excited. It really was a feast. Long tables were set up for the kids to eat at, with a kings and queens table set up on the stage. There were two long tables full of an impressive variety of foods: chicken legs, fruit, veg, sweet breads with butter and jam, dried fruits, scones, pudding, cakes, and pies with either apple juice or ginger ale to drink. Each student got to make their own place mat and choose where to sit. There was entertainment at the request of the kings and queens, provided by the kids and Mrs. Neilson. She danced and got the kids up doing a follow along dance (I've got video!), the Chicken Dance, and many of the students told jokes. Mrs. Neilson also did the worm. The things teachers are willing to do for their students. Brandt wore an old Jedi Halloween costume that doubled nicely as a serf costume. A ratty brown robe can be the basis for all sorts of things.
When I asked Brandt to tell me about the day, he said, "While we were waiting to go down and place our food mat (the thing that we eat off of), we watched
The Sword in the Stone." He did seem to have a great time today, and loves being at school. Three cheers for sixth grade!!
I don't know why this won't turn right side up.
Brandt drew the sword in the stone, the Holy Grail, and two dragons.
The completed sword and shield.
A fun castle made from Legos.
The Feast!
I spy with my little eye --- a Brandt!
Brandt is sitting with Dallin, David, and Quentin.