Monday, July 10, 2017

Movie Going

In the company of Mikayla and her kids, and Eugene and Sharae and their kids, we went to see Despicable Me 3 this afternoon.  It was very funny.  We all liked it, especially Cora who watched the whole thing intently and laughed out loud several times.  It is a film that appeals to all ages.  And when we were all done watching, we took a picture.  Or two or three.  Before Brick or Collin would join us for a group picture, they insisted on having their pictures taken alone in front of posters of their choice.  And so as to move things along, I obliged.

We made a Costco run since we were right next door.
Mikayla had hoped for a motorized cart, but they were all taken.
Although we didn't stay long or get that much stuff, 
it was exhausting for Mikayla.
Getting around on Polly Pegleg is easier than crutches, but still wears her out.
And truthfully, going to Costco with five minions, I mean children, wears anyone out.

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