Friday, September 2, 2016

Last Swimming at Grandma Sue's--Field Trip Friday #67

I have been torn about Field Trip Friday.  I've been concerned about raising spoiled children who expect to be entertained all the time, who are ungrateful for all they enjoy, and who will turn out to be irresponsible adults.  I've felt like the children are feeling entitled to all they've got, and that going on a field trip every Friday is contributing to their being spoiled.  I don't know another mom that takes her kids someplace every Friday, and I've thought maybe I shouldn't do it.  But I like doing things with my kids, they are gone all week at school, and it gives me time to be with them and be engaged in interesting activities.

See how I'm torn?

I will very likely continue to do things with them on Friday, but perhaps I won't be so rigid about doing it every Friday.  We'll see how it goes as the school year progresses.

Today, however, I did want to go swim at my mom's house, as it will be the last weekend the pool is open.  Summer is over--sob, sob--and we'll not be swimming (outside) again for many months.  So I invited lots of people from the ward to come join us for a last hoorah and had very few takers.  Jarom and Sam Oyler came with us, and Laura Harkness brought her three youngest Jacob, Bridie, and Eleanor.  I talked to Laura while they were there and felt like I got to know her a little better.  The kids had a great time.  And I didn't take a single picture.

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