Saturday, August 24, 2013

Grandpa Droubay's Farm

We had a wonderful Droubay family reunion of sorts this afternoon in Erda.  We met at the childhood home of Kent's mom, Grandpa Droubay's farm.  For all of Kent's siblings and cousins, the farm holds special memories, and Kent regularly shares stories of mischief he and his brothers got into while visiting his grandparents.

We gathered in good number.  From the Barrus family were: Craig and Monica; David and Sharon and their kids Brandon (Scott and Caleb), Brooke and Eric (Jack, Avey, and baby girl), Matt and Cindy with Aubrey, Becca, Josh, Jonathan, and Micah; Emily and Nate Burnett with their kids Zack, Annie, Ty, and Ryan and Katie and Drew Johnson with their two Ethan and Lizzie; Kent and me with Brandt and Blythe; and Lee and Cammie and Aaron.  Then there were lots of Droubay cousins, and Kent's surviving aunts and uncles who are aging and slowing down.  We laughed and ate and toured the old family mansion that any one of us would happily live in if given the chance, even though it's in Erda.  I told Kent I would like to build its duplicate in a more populated part of the state.  It is really a fantastic house.

Every farm has equipment, and Kent's cousin Scott (lives next door and farms) let Kent take Brandt out to drive a Ranger.  Talk about joy and rejoicing for our Lad.  He loved, loved, loved driving.  And of course, because Brandt got to drive, Blythe insisted on having a turn too.

A happy, happy boy in a super cool vehicle.
Brandt wants one for his very own, at our house.
"With a real car battery."
None of this kid stuff for our Lad.

That is a look of pure, unadulterated joy.
He is behind the wheel, in control!

Blythe and I rode along.

This is the field we were driving through.

Blythe's turn!

Cousin Micah happened by as we were pulling in to park, 
so Kent turned the rig around and let Micah have a turn behind the wheel.
He kept saying to Kent, 
"Go fast!"

On the porch of the Droubay Mansion
We are on the left side, next to the upper porch support. 

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