Monday, June 24, 2013

Primary Pool Party

We had our annual Primary pool party today.  While we normally have it at my parent's house, this year we did it across the street from our house at the Cutler's.  They have a super cool pool, with a mountain with waterslide and waterfall and a rope swing.  It is a bit more dangerous but lots of fun, and it turned out to be a great success.  We had 58 of our 85 kids show up, plus parents and some teachers, and so all total, we had 86 people in attendance.  I am happy to report no one drowned.  In addition to the swimming, we had snow cones.  They were a huge hit.  In spite of the slight breeze, almost everyone came back for a second, and some kids for even more, like Brandt, who had five.  I must admit to having had four (oh the shame! The shame!).  I think a good time was had by all.

Blythe was disappointed that neither of her two best friends were there to swim.  She stayed just long enough to get a snow cone, then asked me if she could go home.  I couldn't leave until everyone was done, but Blythe said, "I'm going home," and then she did.  Brandt ate his five snow cones, then he went home too. Am I a bad mother for letting my children be home on their own?  If so, oh well.  They knew where to find me, and they had only been without me for a short time.  At least I wasn't leaving them alone in the pool.

See the fun mountain and the rope swing?  Too fun!

Simon Tanner

Eating snowcones in the pool.

I had excellent help!

Bill Tayler and his girls, Juliet, Jayne, and Mary.                                                                    

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