Friday, June 28, 2013


Because the children are not in school, and because I can't think of something to entertain them with every minute of every day, and because sometimes the children don't want to do something I do suggest, they have been watching too much TV.  In the past week, I think they have watched Secret of the Wings (a Disney fairy movie) about six times (pretty much at least once a day).  At least once during the past week, they also watched The Great Fairy Rescue wherein Tinker Bell is captured by a little girl who makes a fairy house and puts it in her yard.  Tinker Bell can't resist the darling home, and winds up trapped, but then becomes the girl's friend.

The idea of a fairy house has been very intriguing to Blythe, and when we received a package this week, in a cardboard box, Blythe quickly claimed it as her own and began creating her own fairy house.  She decorated, had me cut a door and windows, and then asked if she could put glitter inside.  I helped her with that, then found some buttons she could use as a sidewalk.  Then she put the whole thing out in the yard hoping to attract a fairy or two.

Brandt wasn't very encouraging.  In fact, he said to Blythe, "There are no such thing as fairies.  Except the Tooth Fairy."  I think Brandt was hedging his bets as he has not yet begun to lose teeth and doesn't want to get the shaft if fairies (or the Tooth Fairy in particular) actually do exist.

The fairy house had a roof, but it was made of paper and didn't stay on.
Maybe that was why she never caught a fairy.

Isn't that wonderful decoration?
The two figure picture on the wall is of Blythe and the fairy dancing together.

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