Tuesday, June 18, 2013


At the end of the day, when all the loads of laundry were done (seven loads total), this is what I had pulled from pockets.  Isn't it a funny little collection of stuff?  Two Otter Pop wrappers, small rocks, eleven cents.  It is a rule that any money found in pockets when I am doing laundry I get to keep.  Eleven cents isn't much of a haul.  More things pulled from Brandt's pockets than from Blythe's.  He does pocket most of the stuff he is carrying around, while Blythe tends to carry her necessities in some sort of bag.  It's a boy/girl thing, I think.  While this isn't super interesting (even I admit that), I look at this picture as something of a time capsule.  In ten years, things I'm pulling from pockets will be different.  But wait a minute.  In ten years, I'm NOT going to still be doing the kids' laundry.  Either they'll be emptying their own pockets, or their stuff will be extra clean.

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