Friday, June 28, 2013

Dinosaur Train

Sharae found tickets to the Heber Valley Railroad for only $5 in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago, and called to ask if we wanted to go ride the train.  Of course we did!  The kids love the train.  So today we got to go for a ride.  It did not turn out exactly like we had thought.  

The tickets were for a special promotional Dinosaur Train, loosely based on the PBS program of the same name.  The kids like the show and we went singing the Dinosaur Train theme song.  We were apparently not early enough to enjoy the dinosaur themed activities before the actual ride, but we did see two people dressed up in dinosaur costumes.  This was unfortunate because it was 102 degrees and I am certain those costumes were bringing on heat stroke at least and possible death.  I felt so, so sorry for the young people inside.  

Then we got inside the train, and I felt so, so sorry for us.  For some reason, they didn't have the open passenger cars attached to the train, so all riders were inside.  The windows of the cars didn't fully open, creating the ideal environment for baking.  It felt like it was 137.5 degrees in the car, and although our ride was only 45 minutes, I was certain we would be nicely baked by the time the ride was over.  We sat by the windows hoping for a breeze, but as the train doesn't move very quickly, our hopes were largely dashed.  It was stifling, suffocating, horribly hot.  And while I was feeling miserable for us, along comes a dinosaur costumed person to dance with us for our Dinosaur Train entertainment.  Again, I was certain death was imminent for the poor person inside. 

It was fun to be with cousins, it was fun to have a train car to ourselves so the children could be up and down and back and forth along the center aisle, and it was fun to be on the train.  We saw a huge beaver dam, too, at the turn around point.  I think next time we ride the train, however, we will do it on a slightly cooler day, like maybe when it's only 85.

I asked Brandt is he wanted to have his picture taken with the dinosaurs.
"NO!" was his emphatic reply.
He does not like people dressed up in costumes.
They make him very nervous, even though he knows it is just someone in a costume.

Waiting to get on the train.
In a rare showing of insecurity, Brandt brought Mayday Kitty with him.
Maybe he just thought she would like to ride the train too.

Person inside dino costume slowly (or not so slowly) dying of heat stroke.

Blake, Luke, and Brandt
I wanted a picture with their heads at different heights, 
but the windows only opened so far.

The conductor recounting some story.

The dinosaur came into our train car to dance with us.
Brandt did not like this at all and hid between two seats.

Blythe and the rest of us danced.

The beaver dam

Train riders Blake, Collin, Brandt, Luke, Makenna, and Blythe

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