Tuesday, October 9, 2012


After nine or so years, I finally got new bedding for our bed.  While I still really liked the previous bedspread, it had begun to come apart, literally, and it didn't really go with our paint color.  Our bedroom in the condo was painted a milk chocolate brown with a ladybug red accent wall.  We had red curtains, a red rug, and red throw pillows.  I loved it.  Kent did not.

We had a very difficult time choosing a color for our bedroom in the new house.  Kent wanted a stormy blue which I thought would be too dark, and he didn't really like any of the colors I thought would be terrific.  The week we began painting upstairs I finally made a decision and went with a green called "haven."  Kent likes it.  I think it is a bit too something, though I can't say exactly what.  I was struggling because we didn't have any bedding to match colors with, and I was worried we would not be able to find a new bedspread that would match the paint.  But we painted anyway, and it has been fine.

This past week I ordered new bedding through Pottery Barn.  Although not a perfect match with the paint, it blends nicely enough and I am satisfied.  Last week, on a childless day, I went shopping for some new throw pillows and fabric to make a new bedskirt.  Our bed is very high and a normal bedskirt still leaves about a foot of visible under-bed space.  Yesterday, again during my childless time, I made the bedskirt and felt the bed was done.

Kent and I have fundamentally different views about throw pillows.  I am solidly for them; Kent sees them as an unnecessary pile of stuff to be dealt with every morning.  We do have a lot of pillows, in fact, we have eleven total pillows.  That is a lot to mess with each day, but the bed looks really good.  I bought five decorative pillows last week and was so pleased with the way they looked.

Aren't they great?  I purchased another cream pillow, a bit larger than the one pictured.  Thing is, Blythe loves it.  From the moment she saw it, Blythe appropriated it.  She hid it under her bed and when I said the pillow had disappeared, she said, "That's interesting."  She hid it in her bed, under the covers, and she hid it in her closet.  She really, really wanted my pillow.  And because I love her, I went yesterday and bought another pillow that isn't really big enough, but it works, and my daughter is happy.

See how happy she is?
Here she is snuggling the pillow that should be on my bed, but will never live there again.
It feels like her blue kiki which she must sleep with every night.
Says Blythe, "It's so FLUFFY!"
"Like in Despicable Me."

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