Sunday, September 30, 2012

Brother John

Kent's brother John died on Friday.  Two weeks ago he had a massive heart attack while out on his morning run.  Someone found him on the side of the road and called 911.  His family gathered and hoped for the best, but he never regained consciousness.  Last Monday it was determined that there was not enough brain activity to warrant the continuation of life support, and so everything was discontinued on Tuesday and he passed away in the early morning hours of Friday.

John was such a great man.  He was kind and funny and aware of others.  He was thoughtful and compassionate and we wish he and his family had lived closer.  Their family lives in Clovis, California, which isn't super far away, but is far enough away that we haven't seen them regularly.  We did have a wonderful visit with John and Anna Leesa just recently.  Two months ago, our niece Michelle was married in Salt Lake and they came up for the wedding.  The day was a bit hectic, but we were able to visit with them after the sealing and in the evening at the reception.  Kent and I sat with them and talked and laughed for a long time.  We had left the children at home with my mom, and so we were solely focused on our time together.  Looking back on that, I feel that it is a tender mercy granted to us by the Lord.

John's family set up a blog with updated of his condition during the time he was in the hospital.  As I read through some of the comments left by those who knew and loved John, I was so touched.  He was loved by so many.  On Monday when we got the word that John was not going to make it, Kent said, "John always did it right.  He was a terrific guy."

Unfortunately, we probably won't understand why John was taken at this time.  He and Anna Leesa have four married children and ten grandchildren, but they also have a daughter who is ten or eleven.  We have thought Brianne needs her dad more than Heavenly Father does, but He certainly knows more than we, and so we must accept the Lord's will in this as in all things.

John's funeral will be on Tuesday in California.  Kent and his dad are flying down tomorrow night.  John will be buried here in Provo, in the same cemetery as my dad, on Thursday, giving those of us in the family who can't make it to California a chance to celebrate this life.

John went with George to Turkey and Israel last year.
These are pictures of him from their trip.

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