Sunday, September 23, 2012

Storytelling Festival

Our across the street neighbor gave us tickets to the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival this year.  Before we had children, we went to the storytelling festival every year, but it has been years since we were last there.  We had two tickets and rather than try and find a babysitter, decided we would take the children, get two more tickets, and stay as long as the children could stand it.  It was the evening performance of funny stories, and as our children love us to tell them stories, we figured they would like it.

When we got to the festival, there was a very long line for tickets.  I sent Kent and Brandt in to get us someplace to sit with the two tickets we had.  Blythe and I waited in line.  We waited and waited.  After more than ten minutes, a woman came down the line saying that they were sold out and we were not going to get tickets.  We were separated.  Kent and Brandt were already in and Kent had forgotten his phone so I couldn't call to tell him what had happened.

I asked the woman taking tickets if I could go in and find my husband and she graciously allowed me to do so.  Kent had our blankets out and a space for all of us, and so we stayed, all of us.  I am going to send the festival an extra $20 and not feel a bit guilty that I sort of snuck (sneeked?) in.

Funnily, before everyone who was to perform was able to be on stage, it began to rain.  We scooped our tired children up and stepped over many people to make our exit before it really started to rain.  Happily, Brandt quite liked several of the stories, and Blythe mostly behaved herself.

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