Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dancing Music

Laurie Berkner

Last week, Brandt came into the kitchen bearing a book with a CD inside.  The book was called Victor Vito and Freddie Vasco and the CD was a song of the book, written and sung by Laurie Berkner.  In addition to the title song, there was a second called "Bumblebee (Buzz Buzz)."  The CD was a wonderful discovery.  Both songs are very fun; dance-able, upbeat, with lyrics that appeal to the children.  We listened to it three times that night, and repeatedly every day since.  I have the songs playing in the background of my brain ALL THE TIME.

I found that Laurie Berkner is rather a prolific song-writer, and ordered two of her CDs which arrived today. We have only listened to one, but it features songs about dinosaurs that stomp the world flat, rocketship runs, a chicken that lays eggs that shake, and animals that hang around all day on people's heads.  They are truly fun songs.  Brandt, Blythe, and I danced around the kitchen as I made dinner, and Brandt was eager to share his new favorite songs with Kent when he got home from work.  

If you are looking for music to move your soul (or at least your feet), check our Berkner.  You won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Katherine - First - I love your blog. Second, Laurie Berkner is amazing. She was one of our favorites while Celia was growing up, and is one of the things I miss from that phase of her childhood (along with Blue's Clues). Both the CDs "Buzz Buzz" and "Under a Shady Tree" (my personal favorite) are fabulous. I would list some of my favorite songs, but that would be most of them so there's really no point. Finally, I meant to post a comment a while back when I saw your post about the "Jump-o-lene" (the yellow blow-up jumping toy) - Celia also had one of those when she was younger and your posting brought a smile to my face as I thought back to how much use that got and how much fun she and her friends had with it. We bought some of the balls that they used to have in kids' ball pits at play areas and would put them in the Jump-o-lene as well (about 200!). Clean up was always easy since the kids loved to find all the balls and throw them back into the bags we used to store them. Celia and her friends used to love to "ride" around the outside - one foot in and one foot out - like they were cowboys. Great fun. Duct tape works well for leaks.
    I miss you guys.
    Joanne (Walker)
