Sunday, February 6, 2011

M Week

In spite of a big break the whole of December, and then a week or two into January because I had a hard time getting myself in gear again, we are back to our alphabet weeks.  This past week was M week.  We conveniently went to a little music class that a woman in my ward is doing.  We sing with puppets, we dance, we run around the room, and we play with a parachute.  It is so fun.  Several other moms come with their children, and this past week we had a large group.  Brandt and Blythe both love the class, and Blythe loves Adrienne.  In fact, Blythe saw Adrienne in church one week and went up to her, grabbed her around the thighs, and said, "Hi!"  Adrienne was delighted that someone knows her and likes her, even if that someone is two (Adrienne is new-ish to the ward).

In addition to music class, the children wanted to make muffins with chocolate chips.  Muffins start with M.  For our M meal, I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes, then supplemented with fruit salad (strawberries and blackberries, Asian pears, and pineapple), broiled asparagus drizzled in olive oil and garlic, and crunchy bread.  I had intended on having mango, too, but we ate the mango the day before our actual M meal.  It was all still really, really tasty.

We also made magnets and musical instruments this week.  The magnets were essentially pictures off the computer which I laminated and then stuck magnets to.  The children got to choose their pictures and stick on the magnets which was entertaining enough.  The magnets actually fell off the paper (they didn't stick to the laminate very well), so they have been played with through the week.  Tonight I actually got two stuck to my nose and lips.  Endless fun if you are small and creative.


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