Saturday, August 14, 2021

FSY - For the Strength of Youth

Hi, this is Brandt. this week I went to FSY I had a fun time. I went and bunked with my friend Paul. We stayed in the dorms at Helaman Halls and ate breakfast and dinner at the Cannon Center. Our first day, Dad took us down to check in and get our "swag" (t-shirt, lanyard, meal card, schedule, keys, and a bag) and went to our room. Then we met our counselor, Brock, and the other youth in our company (pictured below). They are nice guys and I had fun with them all week.

We went to an orientation to get us pumped up for the week and they told us the rules and everything like that. They introduced the theme, this year's youth theme. "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.” (D&C 64:33-34) We played some family home evening games as a company and set some goals. Our company goals were to memorize everyone's name and memorize the theme, and then set individual goals. 

Top row: Logan, Cameron, Nash, Daniel, Jack
Bottom row: Carter, Levi, Reuben, Paul, Brandt, Reed, Woody 

The rest of the week, every day started with a company devotional. We met in someone's room and someone gave a thought. We mostly met in our room because Paul and I kept our room pretty clean. I never made the bed. I didn't even put the sheets on the bed. I just slept on the mattress with a blanket thrown over me. And I slept in my clothes, long pants and a hoodie. Lights out was at 9:30pm. The counselors would come around and check to see if there was light under the door.

The last night, Paul and I stayed up watching a movie. We heard a counselor out in the hallway. I looked out through the peephole and he was on the floor checking out the room across the hall. I waited by the door for him to come to us, and when he moved to our door, I threw it open and scared him. It was funny! I should have been recording for my youtube channel Blarrow 

During the rest of the days, we went to classes. There were topics we could choose that interested us. I helped set up a sound system for one of the classes. The teacher couldn't figure out how to set it up, so I did it for him. We created a banner and cheer for our company. Our cheer was "The worth of souls is great in the sight of God!" We had two dances; I played cards during both of them. I was refused by a couple of girls I asked to dance, so I just didn't. We had a whole group of people play with us (me and Paul) including two counselors. We played Blackjack and I taught them Six Tricks. We had a game and pizza night. We had friendly competition between companies and ate pizza. We were all tired so we didn't give it much effort. 

The fourth night we had a talent show. It was cool. One kid brought his butterfly knife, but because weapons weren't allowed, he had to use his practice one. He tossed it up in the air and caught it. It was super cool. There was magic. There was a guy who asked three random girls to come up on stage and help him with a magic trick. He asked them to write down their numbers, then he just walked off stage. There was another magic trick that was amazing. This dude blew bubbles to very intense magic music, then held his hands around the bubbles as they fell to the floor. Then were was a musical program, but you had to sign up and stuff and I didn't. We finished that day with a testimony meeting. A couple of groups were combined, not the whole big group. I cried. 

It was a great week. I really enjoyed it. I would go again.

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