Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Toilet Paper

One of the weirdest parts of the whole Covid-19 pandemic has been the hoarding/disappearance of toilet paper. Covid-19 is a respiratory ailment; it doesn't effect the gastro-intestinal tract at all.  But when it began to be a "thing" in the United States, toilet paper and bottled water became scarce.  Covid-19 also does not effect the water supply, but people were panicking about bottled water, too.  So so strange.  While we had a large Costco package of toilet paper, plus two smaller packages, I found myself becoming anxious about running out.  'Will we be able to get more?' 'What if we don't have toilet paper?' 'Will there ever be toilet paper again?' I wondered. I fretted. I began imaging life without a proper wipe.  Ridiculous, I know. I was heavily influenced by all that was happening around me, even though I knew I didn't need to worry.

Today, I did shopping. And today, Costco had restocked toilet paper. REALLY restocked toilet paper. They had pallets and pallets and pallets of the stuff. All down the main aisle were stacks of the stuff, and on the back wall, there were pallets and pallets more. I purchased a package (30 rolls!), comfortable that all was right in the world once again. Actually, that part isn't true--all is not right in the world. But toilet paper can once again be had for a reasonable amount of money, readily at hand for all our pooping needs.


Truth be told, however, I gave the package of toilet paper to Janie Rasmussen. I saw her as I was on my way to Costco, and asked if she needed anything I could pick up for her. The anxiety must have been getting to her, too, because she asked for toilet paper. I happily gave my "one package per customer" package to my friend.

I feel absolutely no need whatsoever to buy bottled water.

Post script edit: We might have figured out where the panicked toilet paper purchased originated. New Zealand gets all its toilet paper from China, and when Covid hit there, the Kiwis were concerned that they might not be able to get toilet paper as China shut down. Apparently, they bought toilet paper like crazy, thinking they might not be able to get any. That I can understand. But our toilet paper doesn't come from China, and I am fairly confident supply chain for the stuff didn't break down. I could be wrong. But maybe not.

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