Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Blythe's Elementary School Graduation

The last term of this school year has been weird. Online school, no activities, Zoom meetings with teachers and classmates. It hasn't been ideal. It's a bummer because the end of sixth grade is always lots of fun. Blythe didn't get to do field day, the Country Fair, fun art projects, a complete sixth grade picture, and graduation. The graduation is what I'm most sad about. They normally have a whole program, the children sing, there is a speaker, awards made, and a terrific slideshow. 

While we couldn't gather, no one sang, and no one spoke, they did have graduation--a drive through graduation we attended today. We drove around the back of Rock Canyon through a line of all the teachers. We played Pomp and Circumstance as we drove slowly, waving at everyone. I cried (someone had to) as I looked at all the people who have influenced the children for good throughout their time at Rock Canyon. Mrs. Christensen handed off all of Blythe's paperwork and desk contents, and waved goodbye. Around the front of the school was a full-size picture of Mrs. Christensen, so Blythe did have a picture with a picture of her. She still has another week of school, but she has officially finished. And with her official finish, as a family, we, too, are finished with Rock Canyon and elementary school. 

Blythe had a wonderful year. She did well in school, including being on grade in math at her last test. That's an accomplishment! She has thrived socially, physically, and mentally. She is a good student, enjoys being with her peers, and is happy to go to school practically every day. While she might have started out the school year with a bit of trepidation, she finished strong, actually missing being at school instead of at home.

When I asked Blythe what were her favorite things about sixth grade, she replied,
I liked flex time, chill-n-chat, and seeing Brick at school. Mrs. Christensen was nice, and science was also really fun. I liked having Mia and Addie in my class. 
Clearly, too much time has passed for Blythe to remember all the fun things they did. I have provided a record of all those things here on the blog, so I am certain, as she looks back, Blythe will remember with fondness her sixth grade year.

Kimberly and McKenna Roy made candy leis for all the sixth grade graduates.
So darling!

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