Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sidewalk Art

Brandt had another art assignment this week. Here is what his teacher wrote about what he should be working on.

Ok! SO we are going to be exploring art service and art action. We've talked about HOW artists make art, WHY they make art, but this week I thought it could be fun to explore the IMPACT art can have on the world. So this week we'll be looking at how art can lift others up and also how art can amplify an idea and get it out there in the world in a way that will draw people's attention. This week you will have the choice between the following projects.
1. ART SERVICE: chalk art outside on your sidewalk or driveway to brighten passerby's days, leave a surprise piece of art for someone (see example in google slides), create and send a card to someone who is isolated right now (physically or mentally) and/or showcase art from your window.
2. ART ACTIVISM: evoke change with a message. This message can be COVID related or it can be an entirely separate message. Check out the Amplifier website (in google slides) and see how their call for entry has artists making posters about topics like: wash your hands, wear masks, social distancing, mental health, etc. But their artwork also takes stances on climate change, social justice issues, etc. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ALIGN WITH THEIR MESSAGE. But I thought it could be helpful to SEE art as action; to SEE artists take a stance (like in an argumentative essay) and to put pen to paper to illustrate and promote their beliefs. IF you have strong feelings about things in general or all this stuff relating to COVID, art activism in the form of a poster or zine (see attachment here) can be a great way for you to express that! If you choose this option, your artwork will in no way be graded based on your opinions, but on your successfulness in COMMUNICATING those opinions. Keep it school appropriate, as always.
Brandt chose to do sidewalk art, and went out to create a short message. It wasn't much, and I asked him to work a bit harder to make it slightly more "artistic," not just the words. He doesn't have a future in the arts, but it is a nice thought.

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