Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Although it is technically still early days to be working in the yard, and the weather has been inconsistent (warmish, then cold, then a bit warmer, then cold again--typical spring in Utah), I have been home, looking out at the yard, and feeling like I needed to be out there working.  Dead bits of vegetation need to be cut back, beds cleaned out of leaves and grass, trimming and pruning and preparing for the new season.  I've wanted to be out there. 

Today was perfect weather, so I went out to weed.  I always leave the front bed, under the pine tree, until the very last, because it is the worst to weed, and it takes the longest.  But rather than delay the bad stuff, I decided I would start there, with the worst spot.  Then all the other weeding I do in the next week or so will seem much more doable.  Isn't that so disciplined of me?  Get the worst over first, then on to the better. 

I worked really a long time, pulling up grass and weeds, cutting back the dead, picking up lots and lots of pine cones.  I listened to The Book of Mormon as I weeded, and I worked my way through the whole of Helaman, and not on 1.5 speed.  Good scripture, sun on my face and arms, warm dirt, green growing things.  It was lovely, even though it took so long.  I was absolutely delighted with how good the flower bed looked when I was done. 

As I was finishing up, Brandt came out with an axe and asked if he could chop up the stumps from two long-removed aspen trees.  I told him to have at it, and he did.  When Kent took the trees out, he had cut the stumps into a cross pattern, and over the years, the wood had rotted.  Brandt had no problem making short work of the stumps, and we were able to get rid of both of them with very little effort.  Brandt was pleased to be able to swing away, I was pleased to have them come out of the flower bed, and Kent was pleased to see the fruits of his labors, even if it was many years later. 

Just next to my right thigh, you can see the remains of a large bush.
We've had a burning bush in this bed, but it has been dying over the last two years.
Last week, Kent cut it all back and filled the green waste bin with the branches.
We need to get a chain and a truck and pull out the stump, but I was glad to have the dead bush gone.
Look at all that lovely, weed-free dirt.

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