Saturday, March 28, 2020

Covid-19 Memes

In an effort to find humor in the middle of a pandemic, I'm documenting funny memes clever people have come up with to give us all a laugh. 

Years from now, I'm not sure anyone will understand how funny this is. This is Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House in a medical drama series I watched for a while. His character is grouchy, misanthropic, something of a curmudgeon, with unorthodox diagnostic approaches to weird pathological enigmas. He's always discovering some strange something his patient is dealing with. He, himself, is in constant pain due to an injury in his thigh, and constantly uses Vicodin to manage the pain. Having to explain the meme certainly makes it less funny, but still. If we only had a Dr. House, we could all go back to normal life without all this pandemic nonsense.

No need for explanation

No idea why toilet paper panic set in due to Covid. 
It's not a gastrointestinal disease, but people freaked out and started panic-buying toilet paper.
Then there wasn't any to be had.
Toilet paper and bottled water. 
None of our water supplies were threatened by the pandemic, but like toilet paper, 
there wasn't any to be had.

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