Thursday, November 22, 2018


It's not hard to think of a great many things for which we are thankful, today and every day.  Life is good.  We are truly blessed.  I am continually amazed at all that God gives us and the myriad ways He shows his love for us individually and as a family.  We've got it so good.

It was a lovely day.  This morning, Kent and Brandt went over to the Covey's house for the ward Turkey Bowl.  There were lots of guys there, young and old, and both Brandt and Kent had a fine time, Brandt playing football, Kent photo documenting and talking with people.  They came home with rosy cheeks, invigorated by the fresh air and outdoor activity. 

Chris Jensen, young boy whisperer, played with the smaller guys.

Brandt is on the left, with yellow stripes down his pants.

Bum shot of Brandt

On the far right


We hosted our Thanksgiving dinner, and while I had tried to make sure the house was clean before today, I didn't get the floors finished.  I enlisted the children to help, and both were willing to mop.  Blythe began and Brandt took over, but there is nothing we can do with the children that they don't fight over.  Nothing.  This picture is evidence.  They are fighting over who gets to mop the kitchen portion of the floor.  Brandt is blocking entrance to the kitchen, a la Tiananmen  Square, so that Blythe can't continue her efforts.  How ridiculous is that?  

Brandt is getting such a pinch from Kent.

When mopping was finished, the children helped set the table.  Blythe loves to use the fancy dishes and silverware, and worked hard to make sure everything looked lovely.  She made place markers for everyone at both tables, lest anyone struggle to find a place to sit.  I had very little to make for dinner
-pie made yesterday, a vegetable (peas which were easy peasy lemon squeezy), cranberry sauce, and fruit which the children helped cut up--so it was stress-free meal prep for me.  

Dinner was lovely.  David and Sharon brought their boys, Seth, Josh, Jonathan, and Micah, Lee, Cammie, and Aaron came with Cammie's sister Melee, her husband Dan, and their daughter, and then Richard Ledford.  Good group, good conversation, good food.  I didn't take a picture of all of us, though I meant to.  Ah well.  Live in the moment.  We are certainly thankful for family.

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