Saturday, November 24, 2018

Cupcake Wars

Over fall break, when we were in Park City, the resort where we were staying offered various activities during each day.  One day when we were there, they were having cupcake wars.  You could pick up a muffin tin and ingredients, then make cupcakes and bring them back to a central location for judging.  The kids, Blythe in particular, wanted to participate.  However, it was the one full day we were there, not a Sunday, when we could get out and do things, and the rest of us didn't want to be tied to the hotel making cupcakes which we could do anytime. 

Blythe was disappointed.  In an effort to curb some of that sadness, I suggested we host our own cupcake wars with other kids in the neighborhood.  They could make cupcakes at their own homes, then bring them to ours for judging and consumption.  Blythe agreed this would be a stellar activity, and we planned to do it over the Thanksgiving weekend, as many of us are home wondering what to do with ourselves. 

Today was that day.  Earlier in the week, I sent an email to lots of families, inviting them to join us.  I offered very little instruction or help, telling the kids they needed to make and decorate the cupcakes as they thought best.  I did enlist Kelson Jensen, our ministering brother, to come act as a judge, and I took cupcakes out of the oven when they were finished.  The kids frosted themselves and decorated a bit, and were super excited to have lots of other families join us.

We didn't have many participants, but a few families did show up with cupcakes.  Abbie Drake came with very fancy sugar decorations, the Bushmans came with snowman, and the Baraketses came with frosted delights.  In addition, the Prados came without cupcakes, but a willingness to help eat the offerings. 

Kelson judged, awarding "Best Tasting," (the Barri) "Most Fancy," (Abbie) "Most Festive," (Bushmans) and "Best Texture" (Baraketses).  Everyone got to eat four cupcakes and went home with a happy sugar high.  It was a wonderful way to spend time on a chilly Saturday afternoon.  We'll likely do it again, and Blythe hopes we'll have twice as many participants.

Eloha and Amani Baraketse, Greyson, Hadley, and Ada Bushman, Abbie Drake,
Blythe and Brandt
Bakers extraordinaire!

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