Sunday, September 2, 2018

Pictures Taken on the Sly

I took two pictures today, on the sly, without those I was photographing even knowing.  Blythe needed her dress for church ironed, I was supposed to have done it yesterday, and I forgot, so I pulled everything out this morning.  She wanted to help, asking, "Mom, when are you going to teach me how to iron?"  Who knew she wanted to know how to iron?  We went through steps, she sprayed and ironed, and I made sure she wasn't resting the iron on the fabric for too long in any one place.  It's her favorite dress at the moment; we wouldn't want a big iron mark burned into the fabric.

Then, Brandt passed the sacrament for the first time on our side of the chapel.  We don't have assigned seats, but we do feel more comfortable on the left side of the room, and our "route" is the one that takes the deacon up on the stand to give the sacrament to the bishopric.  That's serious business!  Today was the first time Brandt  had that route.  I really wanted a picture of him starting out, but he was too far away to be sneaky about it.  So I waited until he was closer to us, and then I surreptitiously snapped his picture.  I should have been thinking about Jesus, and after I took the picture, I did.  But it warms my heart to see our boy passing the sacrament.  I think he needs a haircut.

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