Friday, September 21, 2018

Kal the Destructor

I have a magnetic whiteboard that I use for my ministering assignments.  It has lots of little strips of paper with all the sisters in my ward names on, and I use it when I need to make changes to who visits whom.  It is terribly appealing to little people.  When I am making adjustments, I have it propped up on the window ledge in the office so I can think and ponder and pray over assignments.  Being out in the open, it presents an irresistible temptation for Kal, as it did to Cora before him.  Cora would bring me fistfuls of names, saying, "Uh oh!" as she handed them to me.  She has passed the torch to Kal, who doesn't bring me names, he just flings them off the board as fast as he can, hoping not to be interrupted before I get to him.

I've wised up and almost always remember to check if the board is out before the Johnsens come over.  It takes me so long to put them all back together where they should be, I save myself much grief if I can put the board behind the chair in the office before Kal sees it. 

Today, however, I learned that I have to get the board well and truly hidden behind the chair.  Apparently, just having it turned to the wall and a bit behind the chair is inadequate.  I came into the office after the kids had gone away and found that Kal had managed to knock off names, even though the board was turned away and tucked behind the chair.  It wasn't far enough.  I think he must have just stuck his arm back there and waved it across the board, knocking off names and making a mess.  He didn't bring me any, he just left them on the floor.  He is a small menace!!

I've got work to do!

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