Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Hike to Big Springs!

I have been hiking with my friend, Kim Daw, and last week we went to Big Springs, up South Fork in Provo Canyon.  It was so beautiful, the wild flowers were all in bloom and taller than me, and I wanted to take the kids and my mom up there.  We are also watching the Daw's dog while they are out of town and he loves to be on a hike, so we went this morning. 

It was absolutely beautiful.  It was cool, overcast, and just about perfect for hiking.  The kids were both very good about not complaining.  They moved along at a good pace, helped somewhat by the enthusiastic Hound who pulled Brandt along and kept his feet moving.  Blythe asked lots of questions about all sorts of things, and we saw some of the same flowers I had seen last week.  We paused when needed, we looked for moose, and we enjoyed ourselves.  We did get a later start than I had hoped, and we had to race back down the trail/road because Grandma Sue had a lunch date she was going to be late for.  Brandt was able to show us all sorts of things at the Big Springs site--where tents are set up, where they played mushball, which water fountain we should drink out of.  We'd come to a spot near the trail and he would say, "This is where we had the class on edible plants," or "This is the place where we set up the telescope."  It was wonderful to see his enthusiasm and his encouragement to Blythe to go to fifth grade camp.  When we were almost to the car, it start to sprinkle just a bit, and we were glad the actual rain held off.  It was a fantastic way to start the day.

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