We had a very nice Pioneer Day. At least, I think it was nice. We began with the now traditional Primary Pioneer Day Parade and Pancake Breakfast. Brandt was delighted that he is now twelve and doesn't have to march in the parade, and instead joined Kent in breakfast preparations. They left before I got back from my bike ride, but not ridiculously early. Blythe, however, dressed up in one of my skirts (tie waist, long to the ground on her) and an apron, and with braided hair headed off to the Morelands to parade. I waited at the house with a boom box and the Primary songbook on CD so I could play pioneer songs as everyone came by. Christine Baird used to do that, but as she died at the end of May, I stood in for her with the music. After everyone paraded by, I put music away and rode my bike over to the park. We had a big crowd for breakfast, and it was fun to visit with people as we were there. We've got a great ward.

When we did our family summer activity planning, Mikayla said that Brick had requested we all get together for a water balloon fight. We put it on the calendar for today, and so early afternoon, just after lunch, we gathered at Grandma Sue's with lots of water balloons to run and get each other wet. We put balloons in three different spots in the front yard, gave a "ready, set, go!" call, and then began throwing. We had hundreds of balloons, all of which were quickly splattered on people. Some weren't blown up big enough, so they didn't pop. Those you had to squeeze to pop, which usually resulted in both popper and poppee getting wet. I'm not sure who was the wettest when we were done, but I do know we all had a great time. It was silly! There wasn't a good picture in the bunch we took, but I'll include them anyway as evidence we ran around the yard. You know, as proof that we actually ran.

After our water fight, we swam, and later had a delicious rib barbecue, complete with homemade ice cream. It was a lovely summer day spent with friends and family.